Gravehammer: ”Primordial Principles | Fundamental Forces”
Gravehammer play old-school death metal that does actually not sound like modern kids desperately trying to sound old-school for a change. Authenticity and all that. When you hear "doom influences", we’re talking gutwrenching slow, dissonant, Winter-ish riffs here that are too heavy for Hellhammer, not pot-smoking wannabe 70s bullshit. Which is not to say there‘s no Hellhammer worship going on – plenty of that, actually, but tastefully and never overdone. This EP is just nasty as nasty can be. The stuff you expect when you hear the words "death metal" for the first time and hope that your parents hate it. Even today with metal being mainstream for 30 years, your parents might hate it. If you‘re sick of both soulless overproduced genre mixing and forced bandwagon jumping low-fi pseudo death metal, give your well-deserved scene hatred a break and just listen to Gravehammer.